1: Intros, dollars and insomnia
One episode in and we're already talking about insomnia. We talk about other things too, like Dago making a course about Twitter and how podcasting and construction do not go well together.
In this episode, both Dago and I introduce ourselves, from there we head into our usual updates as Dago’s talks about his new Twitter course, why his most viral meme of all time is to keep him in check and we both had some deep realisations about our physical health might be more closely related to our startups than we think.
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Talking points:
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Talking points:
- Intro to the founders
- James construction podcasting mishap
- Dagobert updates
- progress on twitter course and impostor syndrome
- feeling like i’m in danger building my startup and not sleeping / random panic attacks
- meme about shitting on gumroad
- long COVID killing my energy levels
- James updates
- Getting up early
- Changing the Indie Feast membership
- Raising Indie Bites sponsor price / converting to $
- Stagnating clients / positioning
About Dagobert
Previously a money-chasing software engineer, but now building his own startup with his wife, Logology (that's the name of the startup, not his wife). It took them more than two years just to build a product and had to use most of our savings just to survive. They launched it and got almost no sales, pushing him to learn marketing. Last year, after some experiments, he found a marketing channel that worked by using Twitter. Now he has 45k followers and the business is finally going. As of the start of this pod, his business is on $3k p/m, with a goal to reach $5k p/m to avoid dwindling savings and to pay themselves a salary.
Previously a money-chasing software engineer, but now building his own startup with his wife, Logology (that's the name of the startup, not his wife). It took them more than two years just to build a product and had to use most of our savings just to survive. They launched it and got almost no sales, pushing him to learn marketing. Last year, after some experiments, he found a marketing channel that worked by using Twitter. Now he has 45k followers and the business is finally going. As of the start of this pod, his business is on $3k p/m, with a goal to reach $5k p/m to avoid dwindling savings and to pay themselves a salary.
- Dagobert's Twitter
- Logology - high quality logos and brands
- Memelogy - the best startup memes
About James
James left his cushty full-time job marketing job in April 2021. Since then, he's been hacking together income from his other podcast, Indie Bites, and podcast editing service, Pod Panda. The podcast does around $1k p/m in sponsor revenue and Pod Panda makes $2k p/m. But with a $4-5k burn every month, he's digging a very deep hole. James' goal is to get to around $10k per month across his products, get myself out of that hole and have fun while doing it.
- James' Twitter
- Indie Bites - indie founder chats
- 2 Hour Podcast - podcasting course
- Whitstable Craft Co - handmade leather wallets
- PodPanda - podcast editing